Simplify My Dev

The Essential Tools
for Developers

Free Online Tools with Simple User Interfaces and Minimalistic Designs


QR Code Generator

A QR code generator allows users to create and customize QR codes for various purposes.

Json to Ts

JS to TS (JavaScript to TypeScript) is a tool or process that converts JavaScript code to TypeScript code.

Json To Rust

A JSON to Rust conversion tool allows developers to automatically convert JSON data into Rust code.

Color Palettes

A color palette is a selection of colors that are intended to be used together in a design or artwork.

Flexbox Playground

A flexbox playground is essentially a sandbox environment where you can test out various flexbox properties and see the results in real time.

Cron Reader

Cron is a tool that allows you to execute something on a schedule. This is typically done using the cron syntax.

Markdown Editor

Markdown Editor is a user-friendly and efficient tool for creating, editing, and previewing Markdown documents.

Password Generator

A password generator tool helps to creates random, unique passwords.

Slug Generator

A slug generator is a tool that creates a short, human-readable and URL-friendly string from a given text or phrase.

Text Converter

Text Converter tools can convert text from and to camelCase,PascalCase,kebab-case, etc.

Hasher Generator

Tool that computes all possible hashes of strings and text.

Css Beautifier

A CSS beautifier is a tool that reformats and reorganizes the code in a CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) file to make it more readable and easier to work with.

Url Parser

Tool to parse a URL into its individual components, i.e scheme, protocol, username, password, hostname, port, domain, subdomain, tld, path, query string, hash, etc.

Url Coder

The URL specification RFC 1738 specifies that only a small set of characters can be used in a URL.

Byte Calculator

Convert Bytes to Kilobytes to Megabytes to Gigabytes to Terabytes, and Vice Versa

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